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a little If you skate a little in the winter, then you skate sometimes in the winter but not really a lot. [1/3 definitions]
Arctic Circle an imaginary line drawn around the earth parallel to the equator which marks the boundary of the Arctic. North of this line there are periods of continuous night in the winter and continuous day in the summer.
autumn the season of the year between summer and winter; fall.
cardinal A cardinal is a bird that is native to North America. It is easy to recognize a male cardinal because it has bright red feathers and a kind of black mask around its beak. The adult female cardinal is brown and olive green with bits of red showing through. Cardinals can often be seen in the winter in places where it's cold. [1/2 definitions]
coarse If something is coarse, it is rough instead of smooth, or it is made up of somewhat large bits instead of tiny, fine bits. Salt, for example, can be coarse or fine. The salt you eat on your food is pretty fine, but salt that they use on icy roads in the winter is much more coarse. [1/2 definitions]
dead The dead of winter is the coldest, darkest part of winter. The dead of night is the darkest part of the night. [1/9 definitions]
December the twelfth month of the year. December has thirty-one days. Winter begins in December for people who live north of the equator.
ermine a weasel that has white fur in the winter. Ermines live in very cold regions of North America, Europe, and Asia.
fall Fall is the season of the year between summer and winter. [1/9 definitions]
follow When something follows something else, it happens right after it. Summer follows spring, and winter follows fall. [1/6 definitions]
groundhog A groundhog is an animal that makes its home in a hole in the ground. It has gray and brown fur, and its face looks a little like a squirrel's. A groundhog is much bigger than a squirrel, though. During the winter, a groundhog goes into its hole and goes into a very deep kind of sleep. It doesn't come out of its hole again until spring.
heat Heat is a kind of energy that makes you feel warm. If you have heat inside your house in the winter, you don't feel cold. [1/3 definitions]
hibernate to sleep through the winter in a den or burrow to save energy. Bears, snakes, and certain other animals hibernate.
Jordan Jordan is a country on the continent of Asia. It is in an area of the world called the Middle East. Its neighbors are Syria, Iraq, Israel, and Saudi Arabia. Part of Jordan is desert, but most of Jordan gets plenty of rain during the winter months. It even snows in some places. Many tourists come to Jordan to see things that were built during ancient times.
Mongolia Mongolia is a country in Asia. It lies between Russia and China. Mongolia has desert land in the south and mountains in the north and west. Other parts of Mongolia have flat land with lots of grass but few trees. Mongolia can be hot in the summer and very cold in the winter. Mongolia is famous for its camels and horses. Horse riding and horse racing are popular sports in Mongolia.
monsoon a wind system of the Indian Ocean that blows from the southwest in the summer and the northeast in the winter. The southwest monsoon brings with it a season of heavy rain.
North Korea North Korea is a country in Asia. Its neighbors are China and South Korea. North Korea is a country with many mountains. It can be very cold in the winter and hot in the summer. People in North Korea speak the Korean language.
Olympics The Olympics is a large and important sports event in which athletes from all over the world compete in many different types of sports. There is both a summer Olympics and a winter Olympics. Each type of Olympics occurs every four years, but not both in the same year. The summer Olympics includes sports such as swimming, basketball, horseback riding, and soccer. The winter Olympics includes sports such as skating, skiing, snowboarding, and ice hockey. The Olympics is also called the "Olympic Games."
Orion a large winter constellation in the northern sky. [1/2 definitions]
rough When something is rough, it makes doing something very hard. A rough sea is hard for a boat to cross. A rough winter is difficult for people to live through. [1/6 definitions]
Scandinavia Scandinavia is a region in northern Europe. It is made up of the countries of Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Finland. These countries have long, dark winter days, and they get quite a lot of snow. Sports like skiing and snowboarding are very popular. The cultures and languages of Scandinavia are similar to each other. Only the people of Finland speak a quite different language.