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Children's Dictionary
canine having to do with dogs or animals related to dogs, such as wolves, foxes, and coyotes. [1/3 definitions]
coyote a North American mammal that is closely related to dogs, foxes, and wolves. Coyotes have a pointed nose and ears and a bushy tail. They hunt small animals, and they also sometimes eat plants.
den the resting place of wolves, lions, and other large wild animals. [1/2 definitions]
dog a furry animal with four legs, a pointed nose, and a tail. Their sharp teeth and claws are good for hunting small animals as food, but they also sometimes eat plant food. Dogs are mammals, closely related to coyotes, foxes, and wolves. There are many kinds or breeds of dogs, with a wide range of sizes and appearances. Some dogs are bred for special jobs, such as herding sheep. Dogs are often kept as pets. [1/2 definitions]
fox a wild mammal that has a pointed nose, pointed ears, and a bushy tail. Foxes are closely related to coyotes, dogs, and wolves. Foxes hunt insects, birds, and other small animals but will sometimes eat plants, especially fruit. [1/3 definitions]
German shepherd a breed of dog. German shepherds are large dogs that resemble wolves and have a thick brown or black coat. They are used as guard dogs and as guide dogs for blind people.
jackal a mammal that is closely related to wolves and dogs. Jackals eat the remains of dead animals and hunt for small or weak animals. Several kinds of jackals are found in Asia and Africa.
pup the young of foxes, wolves, seals, whales, and some other mammals. [1/2 definitions]
wolf a wild mammal that has a pointed nose, pointed ears, and a bushy tail. Wolves are closely related to coyotes, dogs, and foxes. They usually eat birds and other small animals, but they also hunt in packs for larger animals such as deer. Wolves used to be common in Europe, Asia, and North America, but are now extinct or endangered in most areas. [1/2 definitions]