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Children's Dictionary
abstract hard to understand because not based on one's experience of the world. [1/3 definitions]
acacia a tree that grows in tropical areas of the world, especially in parts of Africa and Australia. The branches of an acacia spread out very wide and evenly across the top. Sometimes the top of the tree looks almost flat.
axis (capitalized) the name for the union of Germany, Italy, Japan, and other countries during the Second World War. [1/2 definitions]
bat2 a small mammal that flies. Bats have small bodies and large wings covered with skin. Most bats eat at night, when they use sound to find and catch flying insects. Bats are found in most parts of the world. There are around one thousand kinds of bats. Their wingspans range from less than two inches to more than five feet. Some kinds of bats live in large colonies that roost in caves or in a section of forest.
birth the act of bringing a new baby or baby animal into the world. [1/3 definitions]
brown bear a bear that is mainly brown in color, found in western North America and northern Europe and Asia. Brown bears vary in size from the small Syrian variety to the giant Kodiak bear and include the North American grizzlies. They are found in more parts of the world than any other kind of bear.
Caribbean the region of the world that consists of the Caribbean Sea and the islands located in it (preceded by "the"). [1/3 definitions]
cockroach an insect with a flat body and long antennae that lives in most parts of the world. Some kinds of cockroaches are pests that live in homes and other buildings. All cockroaches are active at night.
conch a sea animal with a soft body and a large, spiral shell. Conches are carnivorous mollusks that eat smaller mollusks such as clams. Several kinds of conches live in warm parts of the ocean all around the world. Conches are closely related to snails. [1/2 definitions]
Congo River an important river in the western part of central Africa. The Congo River is the deepest in the world. The river travels through a major rainforest as it flows from Zambia through the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Then it flows along the border with another country called the Republic of the Congo. At its end, the Congo River flows into the Atlantic Ocean.
coral reef a structure that rises up from the bottom of the sea and is made up of the hard skeletons of tiny sea animals called corals. Coral reefs are found in warm, shallow sea waters around the world. The largest system of coral reefs is found in the Coral Sea off the northeastern coast of Australia.
Coral Sea a part of the southern Pacific Ocean located off the northwestern coast of Australia. The Coral Sea is the location of the largest collection of coral reefs in the world.
Covid-19 a serious, sometimes fatal, disease caused by a certain type of virus called a "coronavirus." This particular coronavirus broke out for the first time in 2019, and the disease spread all over the world in 2020. "Co" in Covid stands for "corona," "vi" stands for "virus," and "d" stands for "disease." The number 19 refers to the year 2019. The name "Covid-19" is oftened shortened to "Covid."
culture the quality of knowing and caring about art, literature, good manners, and what goes on in the world. [1/4 definitions]
current events important things that have happened recently in a certain area or in other places around the world and are usually reported in the news.
digital citizen a person who uses the internet to connect with society and the world. Digital citizens often use the internet to do things like getting and sending messages, posting or displaying information, playing games, or shopping.
distant seeming to be in one's own world and not aware of other people or their feelings. [1/3 definitions]
earthly having to do with the earth; of this world. [1/2 definitions]
environment all the things together that surround animals and humans in the natural world, including the air, the water, and the soil (preceded by "the"). [1/3 definitions]
equinox either of the two times during the year when the sun's rays are perpendicular to the earth's equator, occurring in March and September. During the equinox, day and night are both 12 hours long all over the world.
fairy tale a story that tells of magical events and creatures in a make-believe world. The stories usually take place in an imaginary past time and often involve characters such as knights and kings and princesses.