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apron a garment that covers all or part of the front of the body. An apron is worn to protect the clothing underneath.
armor a suit made of leather, metal, or other strong material, worn to protect the body during battle. [1/4 definitions]
bandanna a large handkerchief with a brightly colored design that is worn on the head or neck.
barrier island a long narrow island that is parallel to the mainland. A barrier island helps protect the shore from being worn away by the action of the ocean's waves.
bathing suit a garment worn for swimming.
bathrobe a loose garment worn before or after bathing, over pajamas, or for relaxing in the home.
belt a strip of cloth, leather, or other material worn around the waist. [1/3 definitions]
bib a piece of cloth tied under the chin. A bib is worn by babies to protect the clothing during a meal. [1/2 definitions]
blanket a thick piece of material used on a bed for warmth or worn as clothing. [1/3 definitions]
blouse a piece of clothing worn on the upper body, usually by women and girls. A blouse is similar to a shirt, but it may have more detailed sewing or more decoration, or it may be made of a fancier fabric such as satin or silk. A blouse is worn with either a skirt or pants.
bonnet a cloth hat that is fastened beneath the chin with ribbons. Bonnets were once worn by women but are now worn mainly by babies. [1/2 definitions]
bow tie A bow tie is a long thin piece of material that goes around the neck and is tied in front in a very simple, flat bow. Bow ties are worn usually by men or boys, and they are most often worn on fancy occasions.
bracelet a band or chain worn around the wrist or arm as an ornament.
cameo a stone carved so as to leave a slightly raised image of one color and a background of another, often worn as jewelry. [1/2 definitions]
chaps leather clothing worn over pants, especially by cowboys, to protect the legs while riding horseback.
charm any small object to be worn on a chain as a decoration. [1/4 definitions]
clothes things worn on the body, such as pants, shirts, and dresses; clothing; garments.
clothing things worn to cover the body; clothes.
coat a piece of outer clothing with long sleeves, usually worn to keep warm. [1/5 definitions]
contact lens a thin, plastic lens that is worn on the eyeball to correct vision or change the color of the eyes.
corrosion the act or condition of being worn or eaten away slowly. [1/2 definitions]