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Children's Dictionary
correct to fix the mistakes in; change to make right. [1/5 definitions]
fiddle to move the fingers or hands without purpose or in a nervous way to fix or adjust something. [1/4 definitions]
imprint to fix firmly in the mind, memory, or feelings. [1/4 definitions]
learn to fix in the mind; memorize. [1/3 definitions]
mend to repair or fix. [1/4 definitions]
moor2 to fix in place with cables or lines. [1/2 definitions]
participle a form of a verb that can also sometimes be used as an adjective. In the sentence "The broken machine was very tiring to fix," the words "broken," and "tiring" are participles.
piece together to assemble in order to fix or in order to create one whole thing that makes sense together.
remedy to set right or fix. [1/4 definitions]
repair1 to put in good condition again after damage has been done; fix. [1/5 definitions]
root1 to fix; plant. [1/9 definitions]
set to fix. [1/19 definitions]
stick2 to fix into place by pushing the pointed end of an object into something. [1/10 definitions]
time to fix or change the speed or action of. [1/15 definitions]
wedge to fix firmly in place with a wedge. [1/5 definitions]