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Children's Dictionary
alder a tree or shrub of the birch family that grows in mostly cool, damp areas and drops its leaves every year.
dry not wet, damp, or moist. [1/8 definitions]
dungeon a dark, damp, underground jail.
humid having a high amount of water vapor; damp; moist.
muggy warm and damp so as to make breathing difficult.
mushroom a fungus with a stalk and a cap that looks like a small umbrella. Some kinds of mushrooms can be eaten; other kinds are poisonous. Mushrooms live in damp places and are the fruiting bodies of certain kinds of fungi. [1/3 definitions]
musty having a taste or smell of mold; damp or stale.
raw damp and chilly. [1/4 definitions]
wet to make wet, damp, or moist. [1/6 definitions]
winter cold, often wet or damp, weather. [1/4 definitions]