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Children's Dictionary
breeze a light or gentle wind. [1/3 definitions]
caress a soft or gentle touch that shows love or affection. [1/2 definitions]
coax to get someone to do something by gentle urging.
delicate requiring care and gentle handling. [2/5 definitions]
manatee a mammal that lives in the ocean and has flippers for front legs. Manatees eat sea plants and are very gentle. Different kinds of manatees live near the shores or in coastal rivers of Florida, the West Indies, Central America, South America, and West Africa. They are also called sea cows.
mild gentle or calm. [1/3 definitions]
nudge a slight or gentle push. [1/2 definitions]
playful with gentle humor; not serious. [1/2 definitions]
putt to hit with a gentle stroke that rolls a golf ball into or near the hole. [2 definitions]
roll a gentle movement like that of waves. [1/18 definitions]
sweet gentle or pleasant. [1/7 definitions]
sympathy a feeling or expression of gentle concern for someone who is sad, troubled, or in pain. [1/3 definitions]
tame still in the wild state but gentle and not afraid of human beings. [1/4 definitions]
tender1 showing love or kindness in a gentle way. [1/4 definitions]