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Children's Dictionary
applesauce a sweet sauce made by cooking apples until they are soft.
baste2 to keep moist with a liquid during cooking.
brown to make or become brown in cooking. [1/3 definitions]
butter a solid white or yellow fat made by churning cream and used for cooking and spreading on bread. [1/3 definitions]
buttermilk a sour liquid left after making butter from milk. Buttermilk is used as a drink or in cooking.
campfire an outdoor fire used for cooking or warmth while camping.
cookbook a book of recipes, directions for cooking, and other information about food.
cuisine a particular type of cooking, especially that of a particular region, or the food in general that is prepared in this way.
dress to prepare for cooking. [1/7 definitions]
fire up to get (something) burning, heating, or cooking. [1/2 definitions]
firewood wood that is burned for cooking or heating.
fudge1 a soft candy or frosting made by cooking sugar with butter and other ingredients, such as chocolate and nuts.
garlic a part of this plant, or a powder prepared from it, esp. as used for cooking. [1/2 definitions]
gas a fuel in the form of a gas that is burned for heat, light, or cooking. [1/3 definitions]
glaze to give a shiny coating to during cooking or baking. [1/3 definitions]
gravy a sauce made from the juice that drips from cooking meat.
griddle a flat pan or flat heated surface used in cooking.
gridiron a flat frame of metal bars or wires, used for cooking foods. [1/2 definitions]
grill a rack of metal bars used to hold foods for cooking over flames. [1/4 definitions]
housewife a married woman whose main work is taking care of the cooking, cleaning, and other duties of her family's household.
jam2 a sweet spread made by cooking crushed fruit and sugar.