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Children's Dictionary
Dog Star the brightest star in the sky. The Dog Star is in the constellation Canis Major and is also called Sirius.
great a person famous for excellence in a particular field; star. [1/6 definitions]
jack (plural but used with a singular verb) a children's game in which one bounces a ball and picks up as many small, star-shaped metal pieces as one can before the ball lands. [1/5 definitions]
magnitude the unit of measurement for the brightness of a star or other body in space. [1/4 definitions]
meteor a bright streak or flash in the sky which occurs when small pieces of space material enter our atmosphere and burn up, often called a shooting star.
North Star a bright star in the constellation Ursa Minor; Polaris.
piņata a colorful decorated container, often in the shape of a star, animal, or popular character, that is filled with candies, gifts, or other treats. The container is suspended in the air so that children, blindfolded, may try to break it open so that the treats may be gathered from the ground. The piņata is of Latin American origin.
planet a large body in outer space that circles around the sun or another star. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are all planets in our solar system.
Polaris a bright star in the constellation Ursa Minor; North Star.
polestar a bright star in the constellation Ursa Minor; Polaris; North Star.
quasar a heavenly object that is similar to a star. Quasars are far away from the earth and send out powerful radio waves.
Sirius the brightest star in the sky. Sirius is in the constellation Canis Major and is also called the Dog Star.
solar system our Sun, its eight planets and their moons, and all other bodies that travel around the Sun, or any system that includes a star and all of the matter which orbits that star, including planets and moons.
star to mark with a star or stars. [2/8 definitions]
stellar of, pertaining to, or resembling a star or stars. [1/2 definitions]
sun the star in the middle of our solar system. The earth and other planets revolve around it and receive heat and light from it. [2/5 definitions]
world a planet or star thought of as being like the earth. [1/6 definitions]