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Children's Dictionary
cap1 a soft hat with a peak or visor but no brim. [1/5 definitions]
crest the peak of a large hill, mountain, or wave. [1/4 definitions]
height the peak or highest point. [1/5 definitions]
meridian the highest point or peak; zenith. [1/2 definitions]
Negro leagues former U.S. baseball leagues in which all players were Black. The Negro leagues were at their peak from the 1920s to the early 1950s. In the late 1940s, Black players began to be asked to join the U.S. major leagues and eventually the Negro leagues disappeared.
spine a stiff, hard back or ridge, such as the back part of a book or the narrow peak of a mountain. [1/3 definitions]
summit the highest part; peak. [1/3 definitions]
tip1 the top; peak; summit. [1/2 definitions]
zenith the highest point; peak. [1/2 definitions]