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Children's Dictionary
appendix a short, closed tube of tissue that grows out of the large intestine. The appendix is on the right side of the lower abdomen. [1/2 definitions]
bowel (usually plural) the long tube below the stomach that forms part of the digestive system; intestine.
colon2 the largest part of the large intestine.
intestine (usually plural) the lower part of the digestive system, below the stomach. The intestine is a long, coiled tube. It is divided into the small intestine and the large intestine.
large intestine the large, lower part of the intestines. The large intestine absorbs water from digested food and forms solid waste matter.
sausage a mixture of chopped meat and spices stuffed into a casing of animal intestine.
small intestine the narrow part of the intestine which connects the stomach and the large intestine. The small intestine digests food and absorbs nutrients into the blood.
ulcer an open sore on the body. Ulcers produce pus and are found on the skin or in the stomach or small intestine.