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Children's Dictionary
baroness a noblewoman of a particular rank by birth or by marriage.
couple two people who are together by marriage or by being in a romantic relationship. [1/4 definitions]
Demeter the goddess of farming, marriage, and childbirth in Greek mythology. In Roman mythology, Demeter is called Ceres.
divorce the ending of a marriage as recognized by law. [3 definitions]
divorced no longer married because of divorce, a legal process that ends a marriage.
document a written or printed paper that gives factual information or proof of something. Birth certificates, marriage licenses, and passports are kinds of documents. [1/3 definitions]
dowry the money or other property brought by a woman to her husband at marriage.
engage to promise (oneself or another), especially with the aim of entering into marriage. [1/6 definitions]
engaged keeping a promise and plan of marriage.
engagement a promise to marry, or a period of time before a promised marriage. [1/3 definitions]
family all those related by blood or marriage. [1/5 definitions]
hand a promise of marriage. [1/11 definitions]
Hera the goddess of marriage in Greek mythology. Hera was the wife and sister of Zeus, ruler of the gods. In Roman mythology, Hera is called Juno.
honeymoon a vacation or trip taken by a couple to celebrate their marriage. [1/2 definitions]
Juno the goddess of marriage in Roman mythology. Juno was the wife and sister of Jupiter. In Greek mythology, Juno is called Hera.
married having a partner in marriage.
marry to take in marriage; take as one's husband or wife. [2 definitions]
mate1 a marriage partner; husband or wife. [1/6 definitions]
proposal an offer of marriage. [1/2 definitions]
propose to present an offer of marriage. [1/3 definitions]
spouse a husband or wife in a marriage.