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Children's Dictionary
apple a firm, round fruit with juicy white flesh and red, green, or yellow skin. [1/2 definitions]
aqua the color that comes from mixing blue, green, and a small amount of white paint.
avocado a tropical American fruit shaped like a pear. It has a green or black skin and a yellowish green pulp.
azalea a shrub with dark green leaves and brightly colored flowers.
blue the color of a clear sky; the color between green and violet on the color spectrum. [1/3 definitions]
bluegrass a grass with a blue-green color that is grown in pastures and on lawns. Kentucky is famous for bluegrass. [1/2 definitions]
broccoli a plant whose green flower buds and stalk are used for food. Broccoli is related to the cabbage plant.
Brussels sprout a small green bud that grows on the stem of a plant that is a type of cabbage. Brussels sprouts look like very small cabbages and are eaten as vegetables.
cabbage a vegetable with large green or purple leaves that form a round head.
celery a plant with crisp, pale green stalks that are eaten as a vegetable. Celery leaves and seeds are used as seasoning.
chlorophyll the green matter in the leaves and stems of plants that is necessary to produce food for plants from sunlight.
coleus a plant with colorful leaves, usually of green with reddish-purple or green with pink.
courgette the British name for a "zucchini," a cucumber-shaped vegetable with a smooth, dark green rind.
cucumber a long fruit shaped like a cylinder with hard green skin and white flesh. Cucumbers are grown as food and are eaten raw.
emerald a clear green stone that is used in jewelry. [2 definitions]
evergreen having green leaves that stay on a plant throughout the year. [2 definitions]
fern a family of plants with large green leaves shaped like feathers. Ferns do not make flowers or seeds.
grape a small, juicy fruit, with a smooth skin that is either green, red, or purple. Grapes grow in bunches on woody vines.
grass a green plant with narrow pointed leaves and stems with joints. Grass often covers lawns and meadows. [1/2 definitions]
green having the color green. [3/11 definitions]
green pepper a hollow, somewhat round, fruit that is eaten as a vegetable, especially in salads. The taste of a green pepper is not spicy. A green pepper is called that when the pepper is young and green. If the pepper is allowed to mature, it will become red.