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Aphrodite the goddess of love and beauty in Greek mythology. In Roman mythology, Aphrodite is called Venus.
Apollo the god of light, music, poetry, and healing in Greek and Roman mythology. Apollo was also the god of prophecy. People travelled to his shrine at Delphi to ask questions about future events.
Ares the god of war in Greek mythology. In Roman mythology, Ares is called Mars.
Athena the goddess of wisdom, the arts, and warfare, in Greek mythology. Athena was born out of the head of Zeus, ruler of the gods. In Roman mythology, Athena is called Minerva.
cardinal an official of the Roman Catholic Church who is chosen by the pope and is second in rank to him. [1/3 definitions]
catholic (capitalized) having to do with the Roman Catholic Church. [2 definitions]
Ceres the goddess of farming in Roman mythology. In Greek mythology, Ceres is called Demeter.
classical having to do with ancient Greek and Roman culture. [1/2 definitions]
Cupid the god of love in Roman mythology.
Demeter the goddess of farming, marriage, and childbirth in Greek mythology. In Roman mythology, Demeter is called Ceres.
eighty the word for the Arabic numeral 80 and for the Roman numeral LXXX. [1/3 definitions]
eleven the word for the Arabic numeral 11 and the Roman numeral XI. [1/3 definitions]
fifteen the word for the Arabic numeral 15 and for the Roman numeral XV. [1/3 definitions]
fifty the word for the Arabic numeral 50 and for the Roman numeral L. [1/3 definitions]
five the word for the Arabic numeral 5 and the Roman numeral V. [1/3 definitions]
forty the word for the Arabic numeral 40 and the Roman numeral XL. [1/3 definitions]
forum the central place in ancient Roman cities where people gathered for business and public meetings. [1/2 definitions]
four the word for the Arabic numeral 4 and the Roman numeral IV. [1/3 definitions]
fourteen the word for the Arabic numeral 14 and for the Roman numeral XIV. [1/3 definitions]
friar a man who is a member of a Roman Catholic order; monk.
Hera the goddess of marriage in Greek mythology. Hera was the wife and sister of Zeus, ruler of the gods. In Roman mythology, Hera is called Juno.