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Children's Dictionary
balanced not going too far in any one extreme; keeping things in proper proportion. [1/2 definitions]
conservative not willing to take chances or risks; safe; not too extreme. [1/6 definitions]
drastic extreme or severe.
exhaustion complete loss of energy; extreme fatigue. [1/2 definitions]
extremely very; to an extreme degree.
extremity the greatest extreme. [1/4 definitions]
fanatic a person who is enthusiastic about something in a way that is extreme or not reasonable. [2 definitions]
fire to use extreme heat on; bake in a kiln. [1/9 definitions]
like crazy (informal) to a very great or extreme degree; wildly.
mild not harsh; not extreme. [1/3 definitions]
moderate to make less strong or extreme. [1/4 definitions]
modify to make smaller or less strong or extreme; reduce; moderate. [1/3 definitions]
radical very great or complete; extreme. [3/4 definitions]
rage extreme anger; fury. [1/3 definitions]
religion anything that a person has an extreme devotion or commitment to. [1/3 definitions]
such of a degree or quality that is extreme. [1/5 definitions]
superlative having to do with the form of adjectives and adverbs that indicates the highest or most extreme degree of comparison. [1/3 definitions]
terrible very great; extreme. [1/3 definitions]
ultra- a prefix that means "very" or "extreme." [1/2 definitions]
very complete; extreme. [1/6 definitions]