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active always doing something; busy; full of energy. [1/2 definitions]
atmosphere When we talk about the atmosphere of a place, we mean the kind of feeling that the place seems to have. The colors, the noises, and the way people are talking and acting with each other are some of the things that create the atmosphere of a place. An airport has a very different atmosphere from a library, for example. A library usually has a quiet and calm atmosphere. The atmosphere at an airport is often busy and excited. [1/2 definitions]
bother When you interrupt or annoy someone while they are busy doing something, you bother them. [1/5 definitions]
busy to keep busy or occupied. [1/4 definitions]
bypass a road that is built to go around a busy area or to avoid something in the way. [1/2 definitions]
check out When people check out in a supermarket or other large store, they go through the process of paying for what they want to buy. If the store is busy, they may have to wait in line to check out. [1/4 definitions]
convenience store a store, often near a busy road or highway, that is like a small grocery store and is open long hours.
danger When there is danger, it is possible that something bad will happen and that someone or something will get hurt. If you walked into a busy street, you would be in danger. [1/2 definitions]
dead When something is not interesting, busy, or exciting, we sometimes say it is dead. When a party is dead, it means the party is boring or that very few people are there. [1/9 definitions]
do1 to engage in (some activity); busy oneself with. [1/12 definitions]
engaged If someone is engaged, they are busy. [1/2 definitions]
free If you are free on Saturday, you are not busy on Saturday. You have not promised to do anything on that day and there is nothing you are supposed to do. You are able to make some plan if you want to. [1/14 definitions]
hum to be busy and productive. [1/4 definitions]
hustle fast or busy activity. [1/4 definitions]
involve to cause to give full attention to or be busy with. [1/3 definitions]
move When something moves, it does not stay still. When the wind blows, leaves on the trees move. When we look at a busy street in a city, we can see many things moving. People are walking, cars are going up and down the street, and maybe birds are flying and squirrels are climbing up trees. [1/11 definitions]
occupation An occupation is something that a person does, especially as a hobby or just to stay busy. [1/4 definitions]
on "On" sometimes means "right next to." If your house is on a busy road, it means that your house is next to a busy road. [1/17 definitions]
productive If soil is productive, it grows things. If some person is productive, they make things or they are busy doing things that show results. If someone stays in bed most of the day, they are not being productive. [1/2 definitions]
slow not having much business; not busy. [1/8 definitions]
Turkey Turkey is a country that is mostly in Asia. A small part of Turkey is on the continent of Europe. Turkey is a large country with many mountains and beautiful sea coasts. It lies between two large seas, the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea. When people come to visit Turkey, they like to see the city of Istanbul with its busy harbor and its beautiful churches and mosques.