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Children's Dictionary
atomic bomb a very destructive bomb; atom bomb. Its power comes from the great amount of energy released when atoms are split.
dioxide a compound containing two atoms of oxygen bound to a single atom of another element.
electron a very small particle that moves outside the nucleus of an atom. Electrons have a negative charge.
fission the splitting of the nucleus of an atom into two or more nuclei. This makes more atoms of lighter elements and gives off large amounts of energy.
ion an atom or group of atoms that has an electrical charge.
molecule the smallest unit of a substance that has all the properties of that substance. A molecule is made up of a single atom or group of atoms.
neutron a small particle present in the nucleus of all atoms except the hydrogen atom. Neutrons have no electrical charge. The mass of a neutron is about equal to the mass of a proton.
nuclear of, or having to do with, or being the nucleus of an atom or a cell. [1/3 definitions]
nucleus the central part of an atom, which has a positive charge. [1/3 definitions]
proton a tiny particle in the nucleus of an atom. A proton has a positive electrical charge.