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Children's Dictionary
common sense ordinary good judgment in everyday matters. Common sense is learned through experience and not through education.
folly a lack of good sense or judgment.
fool a person who does not have good sense or judgment. [1/6 definitions]
gauge a rule or procedure for making a judgment. [1/6 definitions]
infatuated having an attraction to someone or something that is strong enough to take away one's good judgment.
opinion a person's judgment of another's character or qualities. [2/3 definitions]
overrule to make a judgment against. [1/2 definitions]
prudence good judgment and caution; sensibleness.
prudent showing good judgment and caution; sensible.
sage1 having or showing good judgment; wise. [1/2 definitions]
sense the power to reason; judgment. [1/9 definitions]
unreasonable not acting or behaving with good sense; not guided by good judgment or sound thinking. [1/2 definitions]
wisdom good judgment and an understanding of that which is true or good. [1/3 definitions]
wise1 having understanding and good judgment about what is true or good. [1/2 definitions]