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Children's Dictionary
accordion a musical instrument with a keyboard that is small enough to carry. An accordion is played by pressing the keys and squeezing the bellows to force air through metal reeds.
aerial of or happening in the air or atmosphere. [1/3 definitions]
aerodynamic having a smooth, even shape that offers the least possible resistance to air currents or movement.
air the mixture of gases that surrounds the earth. Air is made up of oxygen, nitrogen, and other gases, and has no taste, odor, or color. [2/6 definitions]
air bag a bag in the front of some cars that blows up with air instantly in a crash to stop the passengers from being thrown forward.
air conditioner a machine that cools the air in a room or car. An air conditioner also takes the dust and dampness out of the air.
air conditioning a system that cools air and takes dust and dampness out of it. Air conditioning is used inside buildings and cars.
aircraft any machine that can fly through the air, such as an airplane, helicopter, glider, or balloon.
airfoil any aircraft part or surface, such as a wing or rudder, designed to utilize aircurrents to aid in propelling, lifting, and controlling movement.
airmail of or having to do with mail sent by air. [3/5 definitions]
airplane a machine that can fly because of the force of air upon its wings; plane. An airplane is driven by propellers or a jet engine.
air pressure the force of air on things. Air pressure has to do with how much force air has when it has been compressed into a space like a tire. It is also the pressure of the earth's atmosphere.
airship an aircraft that is lighter than air and can be steered. An airship has an engine and is filled with gas.
airsick feeling sick or dizzy because of air travel; feeling ill due to flying.
airtight keeping air in or out. [1/2 definitions]
airy open to the flow of air. [1/2 definitions]
amphibian a small animal that spends part of its life cycle in water and part of its life cycle on land. Amphibians hatch in water and breathe with gills. Then they develop lungs so the adults can breathe air. Amphibians are cold-blooded animals with skeletons inside their bodies. Frogs, toads, and salamanders are amphibians. [1/2 definitions]
artificial respiration the forcing of air into and out of the lungs of a person who has stopped breathing.
atmosphere the air of a particular place. [1/3 definitions]
bagpipe a wind instrument made of a leather bag and pipes. It is played by blowing air into the bag and squeezing the bag to force air through pipes that produce musical tones.
balloon a large bag made of thin material designed to inflate and be lifted off the ground when filled with hot air or a gas that is lighter than air. [2/3 definitions]