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Children's Dictionary
a-1 a prefix that means "on," "at," "into," or "to."
a-2 a prefix that means "away," "from," or "off." [2 definitions]
-able a suffix that means capable or worthy of being the object of a certain action. [3 definitions]
A.D. after the birth of Jesus Christ. A.D. is an abbreviation for anno domini, which means "in the year of the Lord" in Latin. Something that happened in A.D. 50 happened fifty years after the birth of Christ.
adios a word that means "good-bye" in Spanish.
aerial having to do with or done by means of flying. [1/3 definitions]
agent a force or means that brings about certain results; cause. [1/2 definitions]
-al1 a suffix that means "of" or "having to do with."
-al2 a suffix that means "the action of."
all- a prefix that means in a complete or total way.
a.m. abbreviation of "ante meridiem," which means "before noon" in Latin; the time between midnight and noon.
ammunition any means used in a disagreement or battle to attack or defend an opinion. [1/2 definitions]
-an a suffix that means "from," "belongs to," or "lives in." [2 definitions]
-ant a suffix that means causing or doing an action. [3 definitions]
anti- a prefix that means "against" or "opposed to." [2 definitions]
-ar1 a suffix that means "of" or "relating to." [2 definitions]
arch- a prefix that means "main" or "most important."
-ard a suffix that means one who does something too much or too often.
-ate1 a suffix that means to become or cause to become or have. [3 definitions]
audio- a prefix that means "sound" or "hearing."
auto- a prefix that means done by oneself or itself.