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Children's Dictionary
affect1 to cause a change in; influence. [1/2 definitions]
astrology the study of the influence that the stars and planets may have on people's lives.
carry weight to have influence, importance, or authority.
factor something that has an influence on something that happens or is one of the causes of it. [1/3 definitions]
force someone or something with the power to influence or cause change. [1/6 definitions]
genetics (used with a singular verb) the science that studies how characteristics are passed on from parent to offspring. Genetics is concerned with the influence of genes on the appearance, development, and evolution of plants and animals.
guide to influence or control. [1/5 definitions]
important powerful or having great influence. [1/2 definitions]
inflexible not likely to change under pressure or influence; stubborn. [1/3 definitions]
influence to have influence on; affect. [1/3 definitions]
influential having power or influence.
inspire to stimulate or influence (someone to do something) by stirring the emotions. [1/2 definitions]
interaction action of one upon another or others; action in response to others; influence, or effect.
mandarin a public official, or a person of high rank or influence in imperial China. [1/3 definitions]
mold1 to influence the growth or character of. [1/3 definitions]
power a person, group, or nation that has control or influence over others. [1/7 definitions]
pressure a strong influence or burden on the mind or emotions. [2/3 definitions]
reign to have complete and widespread control or influence. [1/4 definitions]
sell to cause or influence to buy. [1/5 definitions]
sway control or influence. [1/6 definitions]
uppermost highest in place, rank, importance, or influence. [1/2 definitions]