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Children's Dictionary
bankruptcy a condition of utter failure, ruin, or lack. [1/2 definitions]
bomb (informal) a failure. [1/4 definitions]
breakdown a failure to work or run correctly. [2 definitions]
bust2 (informal) a failure or flop. [1/4 definitions]
crucial very important; deciding the success or failure of something.
defeat the fact of being defeated; loss; failure. [1/4 definitions]
demerit a mark made on a person's record because of some fault or failure.
disaster a complete failure. [1/2 definitions]
fiasco an utter and shameful failure.
foul a failure to play by the rules of a game or sport. [1/11 definitions]
irregularity a failure to follow rules, customs, or usual ways. [1/2 definitions]
lapse a slight failure to meet some accepted standard. [1/5 definitions]
loss a failure to keep or continue. [2/5 definitions]
miss1 a failure to hit or catch something coming toward one through the air, or a failure to propel something so as to hit or enter another thing. [2/8 definitions]
misunderstanding a failure to understand correctly. [1/2 definitions]
non- a prefix that means "not," "not having," or "failure to."
nowhere failure or the state of not being known. [1/5 definitions]
rally1 to unite again or raise the spirits of after a disappointment or failure. [1/5 definitions]
strike a failure to hit a pitched baseball or softball into the fair part of the playing field. [1/15 definitions]