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Children's Dictionary
abrupt saying so little as to be rude or unpleasant. [1/2 definitions]
adage an old familiar saying that shows the wisdom of a group of people; proverb.
affirmative saying yes; affirming.
aloha a Hawaiian word used for saying either "hello" or "goodbye."
bye1 a short, informal way of saying good-bye. People often say "bye" when they are leaving each other or when they are finished talking on the telephone.
cartoon a drawing or series of drawings that make people laugh or think; comic strip. Cartoons often have words to show what a character is thinking or saying or to help explain what is happening. [1/2 definitions]
chatter to speak rapidly and without saying anything important. [1/5 definitions]
concise saying much in a few words; short and to the point.
expression a common saying. [1/4 definitions]
ground1 (sometimes plural) the reason or basis for saying or doing something. [1/9 definitions]
heckle to bother a public speaker or performer by saying rude things or asking annoying questions.
hedge to avoid saying what one thinks or will do by not answering directly. [1/3 definitions]
imply to hint or suggest without saying directly.
invite to bring about by doing or saying; to risk causing. [1/3 definitions]
jest a funny saying or action; joke. [1/2 definitions]
motto a short saying used as a reminder of a belief or rules of behavior.
negative saying or meaning "no." [1/7 definitions]
number a unit in math with a fixed value that is used in counting or to tell the position of something in a series. "Four," "four tenths," and "four hundred" are all ways of saying numbers. Numbers can also be represented by numerals, such as 4, 0.4, and 400. [1/11 definitions]
positive saying or meaning yes. [1/7 definitions]
pronunciation the act or manner of saying the sounds of words. [2 definitions]
proverb a short, often-used saying that expresses something wise or true.