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Children's Dictionary
annoyed feeling somewhat angry or irritated.
a trifle a little bit; somewhat; slightly.
bump to make a somewhat forceful impact with something or someone (often fol. by "against" or "into"). [1/7 definitions]
cool somewhat cold; not warm. [2/9 definitions]
crummy of a person's mood or physical condition, somewhat bad or unhappy. [1/2 definitions]
fairly somewhat; moderately. [1/3 definitions]
green pepper a hollow, somewhat round, fruit that is eaten as a vegetable, especially in salads. The taste of a green pepper is not spicy. A green pepper is called that when the pepper is young and green. If the pepper is allowed to mature, it will become red.
grizzled gray or somewhat gray.
heel1 (often plural) a women's shoe with a somewhat or rather high heel. [1/6 definitions]
husky1 somewhat rough or gruff sounding. [1/2 definitions]
-ish a suffix that means "somewhat" or "almost." [1/3 definitions]
kind of (informal) somewhat or in some way; rather.
loganberry the large, dark red fruit of the loganberry plant. It is somewhat like the blackberry. [1/2 definitions]
low1 at a somewhat quiet level. [1/11 definitions]
mandarin a small, somewhat flattened citrus fruit with a loose skin and flesh of yellow to reddish orange; mandarin orange. [1/3 definitions]
moist slightly or somewhat wet.
more or less in some ways; somewhat. [1/2 definitions]
possible capable of being true; somewhat likely. [1/2 definitions]
pot1 any of various similar containers that are somewhat deep and round, often made out of clay. [1/4 definitions]
pretty somewhat or fairly. [1/3 definitions]
quite to a somewhat high degree; somewhat; rather. [1/3 definitions]