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Children's Dictionary
blowhole a nostril in the top of the head of a whale, dolphin, or porpoise. The blowhole is used to breathe. [1/3 definitions]
calf1 a young cow or bull. A young whale, seal, or elephant is also known as a calf. [1/2 definitions]
flipper a wide, flat limb on a whale, turtle, or other animal that is used for swimming. [1/2 definitions]
killer whale a black and white, toothed whale. Killer whales kill and eat seals and large fish.
sperm whale a very large mammal that lives in the ocean. Sperm whales dive very deeply and can hold their breath for over an hour. They are related to porpoises, dolphins, and other whales with teeth. Sperm whales are the largest toothed whale.