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Children's Dictionary
catfish a fish with no scales and a large head, found mostly in fresh water. Catfish have long feelers around the mouth that look like a cat's whiskers.
clam an animal with a soft body and a hard shell made of two hinged pieces that open and close. Many kinds of clams live in the ocean and in fresh water. People eat some kinds of clams. Clams are mollusks. [1/2 definitions]
crayfish a small animal with a hard, jointed shell that lives in fresh water. Crayfish are crustaceans and are closely related to lobsters.
dragonfly a brightly colored insect with a long, narrow body. It has four long, clear wings that are held out from the body. Dragonflies live near fresh water and eat mosquitoes and other insects.
eel a long fish that looks like a snake. Eels live in fresh water or salt water.
goldfish a small fish that lives in fresh water. Goldfish are usually yellow or orange and are often kept in ponds or aquariums.
guppy a small fish that lives in fresh water in South America and the West Indies. Guppies have bright colors and are often kept in aquariums.
lagoon a body of fresh water that connects to a larger lake or river. [1/2 definitions]
minnow a small fish that lives in fresh water.
mussel an animal with a soft body and a hard shell made of two hinged pieces that open and close. Many kinds of mussels live in the ocean and in fresh water. Mussels are mollusks and are closely related to clams and oysters. People eat some kinds of mussels.
natural resource materials that are found in nature and that can be used by people in many ways. Fresh water, soil, coal, and forests are all examples of natural resources.
paramecium a living thing made of one cell that lives in fresh water. Paramecia can only be seen through a microscope. Paramecia are protozoans, tiny organisms that are similar to animals.
perch2 a fish that lives in fresh water and has fins with spines. Perch are used for food.
pike1 a fish that lives in fresh water and has a long, flat snout. Pike are used for food or sport.
piranha a small fish that lives in fresh water in South America. Piranhas, in groups, often attack and eat much larger animals.
seal2 a mammal that spends most of its life in the ocean. Seals are a kind of pinniped, or mammal with flippers instead of feet. Various kinds of seals live in both warm and cold parts of the world's oceans. A few kinds live in fresh water. Seals are carnivores that eat fish and sea birds. They are closely related to sea lions and walruses.
shrimp a small animal with a hard, jointed shell and five pairs of legs. Most kinds of shrimp live in the ocean, but a few kinds live in fresh water. Shrimp are crustaceans and are closely related to crabs and lobsters. Many kinds of shrimp can be eaten. [1/3 definitions]
snail a small animal with a soft body and a spiral shell. Many kinds of snails live on land, in fresh water, or in the ocean. They move slowly using their wide, strong foot. Snails are mollusks. [1/2 definitions]
teal a small duck with a short neck that lives in and around fresh water. [1/2 definitions]
trout a fish that usually lives in fresh water. Some sea trout live in the ocean but lay eggs in fresh water. Trout are related to salmon, have spots on their bodies, and are caught for food or sport.
watercress a plant related to mustard that grows in fresh water. [1/2 definitions]