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Antigua and Barbuda a country in the Caribbean Sea made up of three islands. The capital of Antigua and Barbuda is St. John's.
Barbados an island country in the Caribbean Sea. The capital of Barbados is Bridgetown.
Belize a Central American country on the Caribbean Sea, bordered by Guatemala and Mexico. The capital of Belize is Belmopan. [1/2 definitions]
Caribbean the region of the world that consists of the Caribbean Sea and the islands located in it (preceded by "the"). [2/3 definitions]
Cuba a country on the largest island in the West Indies in the Caribbean Sea. Havana is the capital of Cuba.
Dominican Republic a country on an island in the West Indies in the Caribbean Sea. Santo Domingo is the capital of the Dominican Republic. The Dominican Republic shares the island with the country of Haiti.
Haiti a country on an island in the West Indies in the Caribbean Sea. Port-au-Prince is the capital of Haiti. Haiti shares the island with the Dominican Republic.
Jamaica an island country in the West Indies, in the Caribbean Sea. Kingston is the capital of Jamaica.
Lake Maracaibo a large bay in northwestern Venezuela. Lake Maracaibo is called a "lake," but its water is salty, and it is connected to the Caribbean Sea by a narrow strait.
Puerto Rico an island in the Caribbean Sea associated with the United States. Puerto Rico is in the West Indies. San Juan is the capital of Puerto Rico.
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines an island country in the Caribbean Sea. The country includes the main island of Saint Vincent and some other islands that are part of a group of islands called the Grenadines. The capital of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines is Kingstown.
Trinidad and Tobago a country in the Caribbean Sea that is made up of the islands of Trinidad and Tobago. The capital of Trinidad and Tobago is Port of Spain.
Virgin Islands a group of islands in the West Indies in the Caribbean Sea. Part of the Virgin Islands belongs to the United States, and part belongs to the United Kingdom.