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Children's Dictionary
compass an instrument for showing direction. A typical compass has a moving magnetic needle that points north. [1/2 definitions]
east one of the four major points of direction on the compass. The east is directly opposite the west. [1/7 definitions]
exposure position in relation to the sun, wind, or compass direction. [1/6 definitions]
magnetic pole either of two areas on the earth's surface, one near the geographic north pole and one near the geographic south pole, where the Earth's magnetic fields are strongest. A compass needle points to the magnetic north pole. [1/2 definitions]
north one of the four major points of direction on the compass. The north is directly opposite the south. [1/6 definitions]
northeast a point on the compass halfway between north and east. [1/4 definitions]
northwest a point on the compass halfway between north and west. [1/4 definitions]
point one of the thirty-two directions as marked on a compass. [1/13 definitions]
pointer a hand or needle on a measuring device such as a watch or compass. [1/4 definitions]
south one of the four major points of direction on the compass. The south is directly opposite the north. [1/6 definitions]
southeast a point on the compass halfway between south and east. [1/5 definitions]
southwest a point on the compass halfway between south and west. [1/6 definitions]
west one of the four major points of direction on the compass. The west is directly opposite the east. [1/7 definitions]