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Children's Dictionary
a2 any one of a group or kind. [3 definitions]
aborigine one of the first people to live in an area.
absent not present; away from where one usually is.
absent-minded tending to not pay attention to a task or event because one is thinking about other things.
absorption the state of having all of one's interest and attention taken up by one activity. [1/2 definitions]
accent the stress a speaker gives to one syllable in a word. [1/5 definitions]
accident an event that happens by chance, especially a harmful one. [1/2 definitions]
ace a playing card that has only one mark. In card games, an ace has either the highest value of all the cards or the lowest. [1/5 definitions]
acknowledge to reply to; say that one has received. [1/3 definitions]
acquaintance a person one has met but does not know well. [1/2 definitions]
across from one side to the other of. [3/5 definitions]
act one of the main parts of a play or opera. [1/9 definitions]
addict one who very much enjoys a hobby or interest and spends a lot of time and energy on it. [1/3 definitions]
address the place where one lives or a business is located. The address has the street name and number, city, and state or province. [1/6 definitions]
add up to bring one to a logical conclusion; to make sense.
ad-lib to make up as one goes along; say or do something without practice or planning. [1/2 definitions]
advocate one who speaks or acts in favor of something. [1/2 definitions]
aftershock a small earthquake that follows a larger one. Aftershocks start at or near the same place where the first earthquake started. There are often several aftershocks after the first earthquake.
again one more time; over again. [1/2 definitions]
airline a system of transportation that allows people to fly from one place to another, or a business that owns and operates the equipment to do this.
airliner a large airplane used to fly people from one place to another.