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Children's Dictionary
be used with the present participle or infinitive of a verb to show a future action that is required or intended. [1/8 definitions]
buy something bought or intended for buying. [1/3 definitions]
by-product some thing or result that comes from an action intended for some other purpose.
desktop of or intended for use on a desktop. [1/2 definitions]
exact not allowing for any difference from what is intended. [1/3 definitions]
express of transportation, making few or no stops before reaching an intended place; rapid. [1/5 definitions]
festive of, relating to, or intended for a feast or celebration. [1/2 definitions]
functional serving a purpose or able to serve the intended purpose. [1/2 definitions]
leak to allow something to pass through an opening or crack in a way that was not intended. [1/5 definitions]
lesson a period of instruction in a particular thing, or something that is intended to be learned or studied. [1/2 definitions]
recycling bin a container used for holding discarded items, such as aluminum cans, plastic bottles, and newspapers, which are intended to be recycled.
sermon a long speech that is intended to teach or scold; lecture. [1/2 definitions]
success the reaching of something desired or intended. [1/3 definitions]
take turns to operate in a fair way that lets two or more people share in an activity intended for one person only. One person has a turn, then the next person has a turn, and so on.
tip2 a British word for a place specifically intended for dumping rubbish and refuse. This meaning of "tip" has the same meaning as "garbage dump." [1/6 definitions]
to used with; intended for. [1/15 definitions]