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Children's Dictionary
allegory in art or literature, the use of concrete characters, events, or things, to represent abstract qualities or ideas, often to make a point about good and evil. [1/2 definitions]
Berlin the capital city of Germany. Between 1945 and 1990 the city was divided into East Berlin and West Berlin. For most of that time the Berlin Wall, a concrete and wire barrier, separated East and West Berlin.
block a solid piece of hard material, such as wood or concrete, with flat sides. [1/9 definitions]
concrete made of concrete. [1/3 definitions]
foundation the stone or concrete structure that holds up a building from beneath. [1/4 definitions]
parking lot an area, usually paved with concrete or asphalt, where motor vehicles can be parked.
pave to cover with concrete, asphalt, stones, or some other material to make a hard flat surface.
pile2 a large post of steel, wood, or concrete that is forced or pounded into the ground to support something. Piles are used to hold up bridges, walls, buildings, and other structures.
silicon a hard, dark gray substance that is a chemical element. It is found in silica, a compound that makes up one fourth of the earth's crust. Silicon is used in making glass, concrete, bricks, and computer chips. (symbol: Si)
tile a short pipe of concrete or baked clay used as a drain. [1/3 definitions]
vault1 an arch made of stone, brick, or concrete that forms a roof or ceiling. [1/3 definitions]