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Children's Dictionary
a1 the first letter of the English alphabet. [1/3 definitions]
American English the English language as spoken and written in the United States.
b the second letter of the English alphabet. [1/3 definitions]
c1 the third letter of the English alphabet. [1/3 definitions]
Chang Jiang River the longest river of Asia, flowing from Tibet through central China into the East China Sea. An older name in English for the Chang Jiang River is the Yangtze River.
chip1 the British word for a long, thin stick or slab of potato that is deep-fried. This meaning of "chip" has the same meaning as "french fry" in American English. [1/6 definitions]
consonant a sound in a language made by stopping or restricting the flow of air through the mouth using speech organs such as the tongue, teeth, or lips. The sounds represented by the letters "d," "k," "b," "s," and "m" are examples of consonants in English. [1/2 definitions]
cricket2 an English game played outdoors with a ball and bat by two teams of eleven members each.
d the fourth letter of the English alphabet. [1/3 definitions]
definite article the article "the" in English grammar. The definite article is used with a noun when one is referring to something that is already known or has already been talked about.
e the fifth letter of the English alphabet. [1/2 definitions]
Eng. abbreviation of "England," or "English."
English the language of this country or a manner of speaking that language. English is also standard in various other countries such as the United States. [1/4 definitions]
f the sixth letter of the English alphabet. [1/3 definitions]
g2 the seventh letter of the English alphabet. [1/2 definitions]
Gaelic the language that has been spoken in Scotland since before English came into use there. It is sometimes called "Scottish Gaelic." [2 definitions]
Germanic of or having to do with the language group that includes German, Dutch, English, and some other European languages.
grammar the rules for forming the words and sentences of a language. Some of these rules have to be learned. Other rules are already in the head of a native speaker. For example, a native English speaker would not say, "I a cat bitten by was," because the grammar does not make sense. When one learns a new language, most of the rules of its grammar have to be learned. [1/2 definitions]
h the eighth letter of the English alphabet.
i the ninth letter of the English alphabet.
indefinite article either of the articles "a" or "an" in English grammar. These articles do not restrict the noun to a particular person, place or thing. In the sentence, "A dog ran into my yard," the indefinite article "a" is used to show that it could have been any dog, and that a particular dog is not being named.