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Children's Dictionary
adaptation in biology, the process of change in a living thing, over time, resulting in it being better able to survive and multiply. [1/4 definitions]
adder2 a small, poisonous snake found in Europe and Asia.
addict a person who depends on something, such as a drug, that is usually harmful and cannot be easily given up. [2/3 definitions]
address the place where one lives or a business is located. The address has the street name and number, city, and state or province. [1/6 definitions]
a dime a dozen (informal) plentiful and easy to get; common; cheap.
admire to look at with delight, wonder, and approval. [1/2 definitions]
adobe a building material of clay mixed with straw that has been dried by the sun and made into bricks. [1/2 definitions]
adolescence the period in a person's life between childhood and adulthood.
adopt to become a parent of (a child) by law, or to accept an animal as a pet and become responsible for it. [2/3 definitions]
adore to honor and worship for being divine. [2/3 definitions]
Adriatic Sea the part of the Mediterranean Sea that lies between Italy on the west and the Balkan Peninsula on the east. Some of the countries on the Balkan Peninsula that lie on the Adriatic Sea are Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Croatia.
adult a person who is fully grown and mature; grown-up. [2/4 definitions]
advertising the act, job, or business of designing and putting out notices to the public, usually in order to sell a product or service. [1/2 definitions]
advisable being good and wise advice; sensible; recommended.
Aegean Sea the part of the Mediterranean Sea that lies between the countries of Greece and Turkey.
aerobic able to work the heart and lungs to help the body use oxygen better.
aerobics (used with a singular or plural verb) a form of exercise that works the heart and lungs to help the body use oxygen better. Running, swimming, biking, or dance are forms of aerobics.
aeronautics (used with a singular verb) a science that deals with making and flying aircraft.
aerosol a liquid that is in a container under pressure and comes out in a fine spray. [1/2 definitions]
aerospace the earth's atmosphere and the space beyond it.
aesthetic having to do with beauty or art, including literature, dance, music, painting, drawing, and sculpture.