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Children's Dictionary
advertise to try to find something by placing a notice or advertisement in a public place (usually followed by "for"). [1/3 definitions]
affair a love relationship that usually lasts for months or longer. [1/5 definitions]
affirmative action a policy to make sure certain groups of people are given a fair chance for jobs and education. In particular, this policy is for minority groups and women who were not given these opportunities in the past. Regulations made by the U.S. government support affirmative action.
afford to have enough money to buy; be able to pay for. [1/3 definitions]
after looking for or in search of. [1/7 definitions]
agent a person who has been given the power to do certain actions for another person. [1/2 definitions]
agitate to try to stir up public support (often followed by "for" or "against"). [1/3 definitions]
agree to be right for; fit. [1/5 definitions]
agronomy the scientific study of the use of soil for producing crops.
AIDS a serious disease caused by a virus that stops the body from being able to protect itself from other diseases. "AIDS" stands for "acquired immune deficiency syndrome."
aim to direct toward or intend for. [1/6 definitions]
aisle an open space for passing between rows or sections of seats or shelves.
alfalfa a plant with purple flowers that is grown as food for cattle and horses. Alfalfa is a member of the legume family of plants.
algebra a form of mathematics used to solve problems in which some of the numbers are not known. In an algebra problem, letters stand for the unknown numbers.
a little to a small degree or for a small amount of time. [1/5 definitions]
allot to set apart for a particular purpose; assign. [1/2 definitions]
allowance a sum of money given on a regular basis or allowed for a particular purpose.
ally to join or unite for a particular purpose (usually followed by "to" or "with"). [2 definitions]
almanac a book published every year that predicts the weather for each day and gives facts about the tides, the time the sun will rise and set, and other useful information. [1/2 definitions]
aloha a Hawaiian word used for saying either "hello" or "goodbye."
alpaca an animal with long legs and a long neck. Alpacas live in the mountains of South America. They are mammals closely related to llamas and to camels. Alpacas are raised for their long, soft wool.