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Children's Dictionary
advice an idea or opinion offered as help in making a choice or a decision.
advocate to speak or act in favor of. [2 definitions]
aerial of or happening in the air or atmosphere. [1/3 definitions]
aerosol liquid or solid particles suspended in a gas. [2 definitions]
affect1 to cause a change in; influence. [1/2 definitions]
affirmative action a policy to make sure certain groups of people are given a fair chance for jobs and education. In particular, this policy is for minority groups and women who were not given these opportunities in the past. Regulations made by the U.S. government support affirmative action.
Afghan a person who was born in or who is a citizen of Afghanistan. [1/3 definitions]
Afghanistan a country in south central Asia. Kabul is the capital of Afghanistan.
afoot in preparation; imminent. [1/2 definitions]
Africa the second largest continent. Africa is south of Europe and between the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. It is in the Eastern Hemisphere.
African a person who was born in or is a citizen of a country in Africa. [1/2 definitions]
after later in time than, or behind in order. [2/7 definitions]
after all used to tell what really happened in the end even though there was a possibility of something else happening. [1/2 definitions]
against in the opposite direction or contrary to. [3/4 definitions]
age a particular time or stage in life. [2/8 definitions]
ageism the act of having a bad opinion of, or not treating in a fair way, a person or group of people based on age. This kind of discrimination is often against older people.
agency a company or organization that does business in support of other companies or people. An agency helps people do things that are difficult or complicated to do just by themselves. [1/3 definitions]
aggression The use of force or violence against another in order to dominate or achieve one's own goals. [1/2 definitions]
aggressive mean and unfriendly in one's actions; ready to argue or start fights. [1/2 definitions]
agile quick in mind; sharp; alert. [1/2 definitions]
agitate to cause to move in a quick, tumbling motion or with force; shake. [1/3 definitions]