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Children's Dictionary
afoot on foot; walking. [1/2 definitions]
against on or touching, so as to be supported by. [1/4 definitions]
ageism the act of having a bad opinion of, or not treating in a fair way, a person or group of people based on age. This kind of discrimination is often against older people.
agency a government department that works on special projects, provides specific services to the government, or makes sure laws and rules are obeyed. [1/3 definitions]
ahoy a word used as a greeting to attract the attention of sailors on a ship.
aircraft carrier a very large ship with a flat deck on which airplanes can take off and land.
air pressure the force of air on things. Air pressure has to do with how much force air has when it has been compressed into a space like a tire. It is also the pressure of the earth's atmosphere.
akimbo with hand on hip and elbow pointed away from the body.
Alaska a state of the United States on the northwestern coast of North America. Its capital is Juneau. (abbreviated: AK)
Albania a country in southeastern Europe. Albania borders on the Adriatic Sea, and Greece is one of its neighbors. Tirane is the capital of Albania.
Alexandria a city in Egypt on the Mediterranean Sea at the tip of the Nile delta. Alexandria was founded by Alexander the Great.
alien a living being from another planet; extraterrestrial. There is no evidence that aliens exist, but many people believe there is life on other planets. [1/5 definitions]
alive going on; not ended; active. [1/3 definitions]
allowance a sum of money given on a regular basis or allowed for a particular purpose.
along at some place on. [1/4 definitions]
altogether if everything is considered; on the whole. [1/3 definitions]
amphibian a small animal that spends part of its life cycle in water and part of its life cycle on land. Amphibians hatch in water and breathe with gills. Then they develop lungs so the adults can breathe air. Amphibians are cold-blooded animals with skeletons inside their bodies. Frogs, toads, and salamanders are amphibians. [2 definitions]
amphibious able to live both on land and in water. [2 definitions]
anger a strong emotion brought on by a person or thing that causes one great pain or trouble. [1/3 definitions]
Angola a country on the western coast of Africa. Luanda is the capital of Angola.
anniversary the date each year that is the same date on which a wedding or other important event happened. [1/2 definitions]