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Children's Dictionary
absentee a person who is absent from work, school, or other duty.
accessory a person who helps another person break the law but does not actually commit the crime. [1/2 definitions]
accomplice a person who helps another person break the law or do something wrong.
accountant a person who checks and takes care of business records or accounts.
ace a person who is a master or expert at something. [1/5 definitions]
acrobat a person who can do physical acts that take balance and skill.
activist a person who fights openly and vigorously for a cause.
actor a person who acts a part in a play, a movie, or a radio or television program.
actress a woman or girl who plays a part in movies, television, plays, or radio.
addict a person who depends on something, such as a drug, that is usually harmful and cannot be easily given up. [2/3 definitions]
administrator a person who manages, especially in business or public affairs.
admirer a person who has great appreciation for another person or thing. [2 definitions]
adolescent a person who is changing from a child to an adult; teenager. [1/2 definitions]
adult a person who is fully grown and mature; grown-up. [1/4 definitions]
adviser a person who gives advice.
advocate one who speaks or acts in favor of something. [1/2 definitions]
affirmative action a policy to make sure certain groups of people are given a fair chance for jobs and education. In particular, this policy is for minority groups and women who were not given these opportunities in the past. Regulations made by the U.S. government support affirmative action.
Afghan a person who was born in or who is a citizen of Afghanistan. [1/3 definitions]
African a person who was born in or is a citizen of a country in Africa. [1/2 definitions]
African American an American who has ancestors of African descent.
African-American of or having to do with Americans who have ancestors of African descent.