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Children's Dictionary
alliance a group of people, countries, or groups that share certain goals and agree to work together.
alligator a large reptile with short legs, a long body and tail, and a long, wide snout. Alligators are protected by thick skin with many hard bumps. They live in rivers, lakes, swamps, and other bodies of water in the southeast United States and in China. They usually eat insects, fish, turtles, snakes, birds, and other water animals, but have been known to attack small land mammals. They are closely related to crocodiles. Chinese alligators are endangered because their habitat is being changed by people.
aloof showing little interest in or desire to be involved with other people; distant.
Alsatian the British word for "German shepherd," a breed of large brown or black dogs that are often used as guard dogs and as guide dogs for blind people.
ambulance a vehicle used to carry ill or injured people to a hospital.
American of or having to do with the United States, or its people or language. [2/5 definitions]
anemia a medical condition caused by having too few red blood cells or red blood cells that are not working properly. People with anemia may be pale, feel weak, and have difficulty breathing.
animal rights a movement that works for the rights of animals. People in favor of animal rights believe that animals should not be hurt or killed just to make the lives of humans easier.
antacid a substance people take to settle an upset stomach. Antacids work by reducing the strength of the acids that cause the upset.
anthropology the scientific study of humankind. People who study anthropology learn about the origins and development of human beings and their societies and customs.
Apache a member of a North American Indian people living mostly in the southwestern United States and northern Mexico.
apartheid a policy of keeping people of different races separate and unequal in a society.
Apollo the god of light, music, poetry, and healing in Greek and Roman mythology. Apollo was also the god of prophecy. People travelled to his shrine at Delphi to ask questions about future events.
April Fools' Day the first day of April, when friendly tricks and jokes are played on people.
Arab a member of a southwest Asian people that makes up most of the population of Arabia and other parts of the Middle East. [1/4 definitions]
argument a discussion by people who disagree. [1/2 definitions]
aristocracy a class of people who have a high social position because of the family they are born into. Members of the aristocracy are usually richer and have more privileges than other members of society. [2 definitions]
armistice an agreement by groups of people or countries at war to stop fighting; truce.
army a great number of people or things. [1/3 definitions]
artisan a person skilled in making things, especially by using the hands. People such as those who make furniture, quilts, or other crafts are artisans.
Asian of or having to do with Asia, or its people or languages. [1/2 definitions]