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Children's Dictionary
Amazon a member of a race of tall, strong, and fierce female warriors who are written about in Greek mythology. [1/2 definitions]
American Indian a member of any of the native peoples of North America, Central America, South America, or the West Indies, except for Eskimos. American Indians are also called Native Americans.
ammonia the liquid made from mixing ammonia gas with water. Certain cleaners are made with ammonia. [1/2 definitions]
ammunition the objects fired from any weapon, or material that can be exploded. Bullets, bombs, and gunpowder are types of ammunition. [1/2 definitions]
amphibian a small animal that spends part of its life cycle in water and part of its life cycle on land. Amphibians hatch in water and breathe with gills. Then they develop lungs so the adults can breathe air. Amphibians are cold-blooded animals with skeletons inside their bodies. Frogs, toads, and salamanders are amphibians. [2 definitions]
amphitheater an oval or round building with seats rising in rows from an open, central area. Amphitheaters are used for sports and other public events.
anaconda a very large snake found in South America. Anacondas are not poisonous but kill other animals by squeezing them until they cannot breathe. Anacondas can grow to over twenty feet long.
anchovy a small fish that is related to the herring and is used for food. Anchovies are found mostly in warm ocean waters.
anemia a medical condition caused by having too few red blood cells or red blood cells that are not working properly. People with anemia may be pale, feel weak, and have difficulty breathing.
angel a spiritual being who acts as a servant or messenger of God. Angels are often represented as human figures with wings and a halo. [1/2 definitions]
animal one of a large group of living things that can move around by themselves to find food. Animals eat plants, funguses, or other animals. Birds, reptiles, fish, amphibians, mammals, insects, snails, and worms are some of the major kinds of animals. [1/2 definitions]
animated cartoon a motion picture made by photographing a series of drawings showing stages of movement. The motion seems real when the drawings are shown quickly one after another.
ant an insect that lives in large, organized groups called colonies. Most kinds of ants live in or on the ground. Ants are related to bees and wasps.
anteater a mammal that uses its long, sticky tongue to eat ants and termites. True anteaters have no teeth, are furry, and live in Central or South America. They are related to armadillos and sloths. Other kinds of mammals that eat ants are also sometimes called anteaters, but they are not related to American anteaters.
antelope an animal with horns, a long neck, long legs, and hooves. Antelopes are known for their fast running. Antelopes are mammals that eat plants and chew their cud. The smallest kind of antelope is only one foot tall; the largest antelope is six feet tall at the shoulder. Gazelles, gnus, and impalas are all antelopes. Most antelopes live in Africa; some also live in Asia. [1/2 definitions]
antenna one of a pair of long, thin body parts on the head of insects, crabs, and other animals. Antennae are used to feel and smell. [1/2 definitions]
anthill a pile of earth made by ants as they dig their underground nest. Anthills are found near the nest entrance.
antler one of a pair of bony growths on the head of most kinds of deer. Male elk, moose, and white-tailed deer all grow antlers with branches or prongs. Deer grow new antlers every year. Caribou and reindeer are the only deer that have antlers on both the males and the females.
anvil a heavy metal block with a flat top on which heated metal objects are hammered into shapes.
apartment building a building in which there are a number of individual apartments.
applesauce a sweet sauce made by cooking apples until they are soft.