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Children's Dictionary
announcer a person who presents programs or reads advertisements on radio or television.
anonymous given, created, or carried out by a person who wishes to be unknown or whose identity can't be discovered. [1/2 definitions]
antagonist a person who fights against another; an enemy or competitor. [1/2 definitions]
anybody any person; anyone.
anyone any person; anybody.
applicant a person who applies for something, such as a job.
Aquarius a person born under this sign, between January 21 and February 20. [1/3 definitions]
Arab a person who was born in or is a citizen of an Arabian country. [1/4 definitions]
Arabian a person who was born in or is a citizen of Arabia; Arab. [1/3 definitions]
archer a person who uses a bow and arrow.
architect a person who designs buildings and directs their construction.
Aries a person born under this sign, between March 21 and April 20. [1/3 definitions]
arrival a person or thing that has arrived. [1/2 definitions]
artificial respiration the forcing of air into and out of the lungs of a person who has stopped breathing.
artillery large weapons used in land battles, such as cannons or rockets. Artillery is too heavy for a person to carry and is sometimes mounted on wheels. [1/2 definitions]
artisan a person skilled in making things, especially by using the hands. People such as those who make furniture, quilts, or other crafts are artisans.
artist a person who is good at painting, music, writing, or any other art. [2 definitions]
Asian a person who was born in or is a citizen of a country in Asia. [1/2 definitions]
Asian American An American person of Asian origin. [1/2 definitions]
ass a person who acts or appears stupid or silly. [1/2 definitions]
assassin a person who murders for money or for political reasons.