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Children's Dictionary
arch1 a curved structure made out of stone or brick and used to span an open space such as a door. [2/4 definitions]
archaeology the study of past human life. An archaeologist digs up and then studies objects such as pottery, tools, and buildings.
ardent having or showing very strong feelings such as passion, loyalty, or desire.
art the field of visual works such as painting and drawing. [1/4 definitions]
article a specific section in a document such as a contract or a constitution. [1/4 definitions]
artillery large weapons used in land battles, such as cannons or rockets. Artillery is too heavy for a person to carry and is sometimes mounted on wheels. [1/2 definitions]
artisan a person skilled in making things, especially by using the hands. People such as those who make furniture, quilts, or other crafts are artisans.
ash2 the wood of such a tree. [1/2 definitions]
assignment an assigned task, such as a job or lesson. [1/3 definitions]
assist a play that helps another team member complete a play, such as a goal in soccer. [1/2 definitions]
asylum a place for the care of those who are not able to care for themselves, such as children without parents, people with mental illness, or the very old. [1/3 definitions]
bake to cook using dry heat at a medium oven temperature. Things such as bread, cookies, and pies are baked. [1/3 definitions]
bakery a store in which baked goods, such as bread, cake, and pastry, are made or sold.
bake sale an event in which baked items, such as cookies and cupcakes, are sold in order to raise money for a particular cause.
baleen the bony, flexible strips in the upper jaws of whales that feed by filtering food from ocean water. These whales use baleen to strain large amounts of small food such as shrimp from the water.
ballet a performance of such dance, with music, for an audience. [1/2 definitions]
Baltic Sea a sea in norther Europe that lies between Sweden and Finland. It also borders other countries such as Poland, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania.
bamboo the stems of such a plant, used for making things such as hats, chopsticks, furniture, fences, floors, and houses. [1/2 definitions]
banister one of the posts that support such a rail. [1/3 definitions]
bar code a set of black bars on a white background printed on the labels of goods and mail. A bar code is scanned by a computer that reads information such as price.
barrel the amount that such a container can hold. [2/4 definitions]