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Children's Dictionary
-ard a suffix that means one who does something too much or too often.
argue to state or claim in support of what one thinks or believes (often followed by a clause beginning with "that"). [1/3 definitions]
articulated lorry a British word for a very large truck that consists of a cab where the driver sits and a trailer that carries goods over long distances. "Articulated lorry" often has the same meaning as "tractor-trailer."
assault an attack made by armed forces, that often ends in close fighting. [1/4 definitions]
assembly (often capitalized) a legislative body. [1/4 definitions]
associate to come together as friends, business partners, or companions (often followed by "with"). [1/6 definitions]
asthma a disease of the lungs that makes it difficult to breathe. Asthma is often caused by an allergy.
attest to offer evidence or give proof (often followed by "to"). [1/2 definitions]
auction to sell at an auction (often followed by "off"). [1/2 definitions]
audacity courage or boldness often combined with daring or recklessness. [1/2 definitions]
audio a particular sound recording, often giving instructions, information, or a sample of a longer recording, made to be heard on a computer or other electronic device. [1/4 definitions]
back and forth moving backward then forward, or forward then backward, often many times without stopping.
back road a road that avoids traffic and high speed travel. It is often a small, country road that goes through areas with few houses and buildings.
bacteria microscopic organisms that often play a role in the decay of living things, the process of fermentation, and sometimes in causing disease. Bacteria are each made up of only one cell, but different kinds of bacteria can take different shapes. These organisms live in all parts of the earth including oceans, deserts, glaciers, hot springs, and in the bodies of most living things. While some kinds of bacteria are dangerous, most kinds are useful because they help in the digestion of food, in the making of soil, in the creation of medicines, and in many other natural processes.
bail1 to pay for the release of (often followed by "out"). [2/3 definitions]
band2 a thin strip of hard material, often metal, in the shape of a ring. [1/4 definitions]
bandit a robber who is often a member of a gang that robs people while they are travelling.
banner a flag with a design or writing on it that represents an organization or a movement. A banner is attached to one or two poles and is often carried in ceremonies, parades, or demonstrations by one or more people. [1/3 definitions]
bar1 a length of metal or other strong, solid material often used to hold something back, support something, or hold things together. [3/10 definitions]
barbecue the food cooked in this way, often having a special sauce. [2/4 definitions]
barrel a round container with a flat top and bottom and bulging sides, often made of wood boards and metal hoops. [1/4 definitions]