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Children's Dictionary
astronomer a scientist who studies the universe beyond the earth.
asylum a place for the care of those who are not able to care for themselves, such as children without parents, people with mental illness, or the very old. [1/3 definitions]
atheist a person who believes that there is no god or gods.
athlete a person who participates in sports or other physical activities.
atlas (cap.) a giant in Greek mythology who had to support the heavens on his shoulders. [1/2 definitions]
attendant a person who serves another person.
auction a public sale at which things are sold to the people who offer the most money. [1/2 definitions]
Australian a person who was born in or is a citizen of Australia. [1/2 definitions]
authority (usually plural) people who have this right or power by law. [1/3 definitions]
aviator a person who flies an aircraft; pilot.
aye a vote of yes, or a voter who votes yes. [1/2 definitions]
Aztec a member of an Indian people who had an advanced civilization in central Mexico before Spain conquered it in 1519.
baby a person who behaves in a childish or immature way. [1/6 definitions]
babysitter a person who takes care of children when their parents are not with them.
bachelor a man who has not married.
bail1 money left with a court to make sure that a person who is set free after arrest will return for trial. [1/3 definitions]
baker a person who bakes.
ballot a piece of paper on which people who are voting enter their choices. [1/3 definitions]
bandit a robber who is often a member of a gang that robs people while they are travelling.
baptism a Christian ceremony in which someone who wishes to join the church is sprinkled with water or dipped in water.
batter3 the person who stands in to bat the ball in baseball, softball, or cricket.