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Children's Dictionary
auxiliary a person or thing that helps, assists, or supports. [1/3 definitions]
beauty a person or thing with much beauty. [1/2 definitions]
behavior the typical actions of a person, animal, thing, or group, either in general or in certain situations. [1/2 definitions]
belief trust in a person, thing, or idea; confidence. [1/3 definitions]
bend a curved thing, part, or area; curve. [1/5 definitions]
bent1 not having the proper shape of a thing, as by not being perfectly straight, flat, or circular. [1/4 definitions]
best a thing or person better than all others. [1/6 definitions]
black-and-white involving only things that are complete opposites. If something is black-and-white, it is clearly one thing or the opposite thing. It is not mixed or somewhere in the middle. [1/2 definitions]
blanket a layer of something, such as snow, clouds, or flowers, that covers a thing or area. [1/3 definitions]
bloodstream the blood flowing in a living thing.
bore2 a person or thing that is dull. [1/2 definitions]
bother a person or thing that annoys or causes trouble. [1/4 definitions]
bribe something promised or given to a person as a way of getting that person to do a certain thing. [1/2 definitions]
butt2 a person, group, or thing that is made fun of.
by-product some thing or result that comes from an action intended for some other purpose.
catch a thing or the amount that is caught. [2/13 definitions]
center a place, person, or thing that is the main object of attention or interest. [1/7 definitions]
certain used to mention a particular person or thing without naming it. [1/4 definitions]
chance a measure of how likely it is that a thing will happen; probability. [1/8 definitions]
chance it (informal) to take the risk of some bad thing happening.
character all those things that make a person, place, or thing different from others. [1/6 definitions]