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Children's Dictionary
babble speech that is foolish or has no point; chatter. [1/5 definitions]
baboon a large monkey that has a long snout like a dog's. Baboons live on the ground in large groups in Africa and Arabia. They can be powerful fighters.
bachelor a man who has not married.
backhoe a machine that is used for digging. It has a large metal bucket that scoops something up and toward the machine.
badger a furry mammal with short legs and a long body. The American badger has a white stripe on its forehead that runs down its back, and it has long dark marks on its face also. Badgers eat worms, rodents, rabbits, and plants. Different kinds of badgers live in Europe, Asia, and North America. They are related to skunks, otters, and other kinds of weasels. [1/2 definitions]
balance an instrument for weighing objects that has two flat pans hanging from or resting on a bar; scales. [1/6 definitions]
ballpoint a pen that has a small ball in its tip. The ball moves the ink from the pen to the paper.
bamboo a tropical grass plant that has hard, woody, hollow stalks. Bamboo stalks grow straight and tall, and very quickly. Many kinds of bamboo grow as high as a tree. [1/2 definitions]
banana a long, curved fruit that has a thick yellow skin. It grows in bunches on a tall tropical plant.
barracuda a fish that lives in warm ocean water and has a long body. Barracuda are fierce hunters.
barrow1 a flat frame used for carrying a load. A barrow has two handles at each end or handles at one end and a wheel at the other; wheelbarrow.
bassoon a large woodwind instrument. The bassoon has a long wooden body attached to a curved, metal tube with a mouthpiece at its end.
battlement (often plural) a wall along the top of a castle, fort, or tower that has openings for people to shoot through.
battleship a large military ship that has heavy armor and large guns.
beach the land at the edge of a lake, ocean, or other body of water. A beach slopes gently toward the water and usually has sand or pebbles. [1/2 definitions]
bead a small, round object made of material such as glass, wood, or plastic. A bead has a small hole through its center so it can be put on a string to make necklaces or to decorate clothing. [1/3 definitions]
beech a tree that has smooth, gray bark and nuts that people can eat.
behind in a place, time, or condition that has passed. [1/7 definitions]
be sorry to suffer for an action or a choice one has made.
bighorn a wild sheep found in the Rocky Mountains of North America. The male has large, curved horns; the female has short, straight horns. They are also called Rocky Mountain sheep.
bill1 a proposed law that has not yet been voted on. [1/4 definitions]