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body A body is a group of people or things thought of as a whole. All the children in a school are the student body. [1/5 definitions]
break When you stop what you are doing to do something else, you take a break. In school, you take a break from your class work to go outside or to eat your lunch. [1/9 definitions]
building A building is a large structure that people have made, such as a house, a store, or a school. A building has a door, a roof, rooms, and outside walls. [1/2 definitions]
bus1 A bus is a large vehicle with many seats. People often ride buses in cities, and children often ride buses to school.
cadet a student in a military school; person training to be a military officer.
camp1 a place or program that provides activities for children when they are on vacation from school. [1/5 definitions]
campus the grounds of a school, college, or university.
carpool an agreement among a group of automobile drivers who work together, or whose children go to the same school. Each driver takes turns driving the others.
case1 A case is an example or time of something happening. If there are five cases of the flu in your school right now, it means that five people are now sick with the flu. It means that getting sick with the flu has happened five times. If there have been three cases of kids getting hurt on the playground this month, then the action of getting hurt has happened three times this month. [1/3 definitions]
center A center is the middle part of anything. If your school is in the center of your town, it is in the middle of it. [1/4 definitions]
ceremony A ceremony is a set of things that people do for a very important and special event. When people get married or finish school, for example, there is a ceremony.
certain When something is certain, it is completely decided about. If you have to wear a certain type of clothes to school, it means you have to wear exactly that type of clothes. When a box holds a certain number of eggs, it means that the box holds that many eggs and no more or less. [1/4 definitions]
chemistry lab in a school, a place where students studying chemistry can observe chemical reactions and carry out small experiments.
class a group of students who meet together to learn in school. [1/8 definitions]
classmate a person in the same class as another at a college or school.
classroom a room in a school or college where classes are held.
coach a person who trains or teaches a student in a special area, such as singing, acting, or a school subject. [1/6 definitions]
coeducation the education of males and females at the same school and in the same classes.
college a school of higher learning that one attends after high school. Most college programs require four years of study.
commencement the day or ceremony of graduation from a school or college. [1/2 definitions]
commute to ride or drive a long distance to and from work or school. [2 definitions]