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Children's Dictionary
bookkeeping the practice of keeping records of the money taken in and paid out by a business.
breadwinner a member of a family or household who earns money to support the other members.
broke having no money to spend or to live on. [1/2 definitions]
budget a plan for how much money will be spent and earned during a certain period. [2/3 definitions]
business a company, store, or other organization that buys and sells goods or services in order to make money. [1/6 definitions]
buy to get in return for paying money; purchase. [1/3 definitions]
buyer one who obtains something in exchange for money.
capital1 money or other resources owned by a business. [2/8 definitions]
carfare the money that is paid for a ride in a taxi, bus, or subway.
cash money in the form of bills or coins, or payment in such form. [2 definitions]
cashier1 a person whose job is to take the money when a customer pays for something. [2 definitions]
cash register a business machine with a drawer that holds money. A cash register is used in places such as stores and restaurants to accept payments and give change. A cash register also keeps a record of money that goes in and out.
cent a unit of money used in many countries, including the United States and Canada. A cent is equal to a hundredth part of the standard national currency.
change money given in smaller bills or coins in exchange for a larger bill or coin of an equal amount. [2/10 definitions]
cheap not willing to spend much money; stingy. [1/4 definitions]
check a written order to a bank to pay money from an account. [1/11 definitions]
chip in to give money or effort. [1/2 definitions]
circulation the movement or passage of something, such as money or news, from person to person or place to place. [1/3 definitions]
coin a piece of metal money that is small, flat, and round. [2/3 definitions]
collection the gathering of money from members of a group. [1/3 definitions]
commercial having to do with making money. [1/3 definitions]