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brush1 When you brush something off or away, you make it go away by moving something over it lightly and quickly. [1/4 definitions]
burst When something bursts, it breaks open very quickly. [2/6 definitions]
bustle1 When people or animals bustle, they move around very quickly and use a lot of energy. [1/2 definitions]
by leaps and bounds very quickly.
charge When people or animals charge, they suddenly move forward very fast. When soldiers charge, they move forward quickly in order to attack. [1/9 definitions]
chart A chart is something that you can look at and get a lot of information from. A chart often has pictures to explain the information. Sometimes a chart has lines up and down and across. The lines separate the information and help you understand it better and more quickly.
chat When you chat, you have a conversation with one or more people by writing messages on a computer or phone and sending them over the internet. The messages appear right after they are sent, so it's easy for other people to write back quickly. [1/4 definitions]
clever A clever person learns and understands things quickly. [1/2 definitions]
cotton candy a candy made of soft, tiny bits of melted sugar spun around a stick or paper cone. Cotton candy looks like a mass of cotton but melts very quickly in one's mouth. Cotton candy is often sold at outdoor events such as fairs or festivals, or at amusement parks.
cottonwood a North American tree of the poplar family. Cottonwoods grow quickly and bear seeds surrounded by fiber that looks like cotton. [1/2 definitions]
course When something courses, it moves quickly. [1/6 definitions]
dance to move quickly and lightly in a way that suggests dancing. [1/7 definitions]
dart to move quickly; dash. [1/4 definitions]
dash When you dash, you run or move very quickly to get somewhere or get away. If you dash across the street, you run across very quickly. [1/5 definitions]
database a large collection of information in a computer. In a database, information is arranged so that it can be quickly changed or searched through.
devour to swallow up or consume as if by eating quickly. [1/3 definitions]
diarrhea Diarrhea is a problem with your intestines. You might get it if you eat food that is bad or drink something that contains bacteria, but people usually get it from diseases caused by a virus. Diarrhea gives you pain in your belly and sometimes makes you run to the bathroom! In the bathroom, waste that is full of liquid leaves your body very quickly. The process stops for while but usually returns. Ordinary diarrhea doesn't usually last more than a few hours, but diarrhea can be serious if people have it for a few days or longer because their bodies lose too much water.
dip to put into a liquid briefly. [2/8 definitions]
dive If an airplane dives, it goes downward in a controlled way with the nose of the plane going first. If someone dives for a ball, they move quickly downward toward the ball with their head and arms going first. [1/4 definitions]
dodge to avoid something by moving quickly aside or changing direction. [1/5 definitions]
double-click to press the button of a computer mouse two times very quickly.