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Children's Dictionary
calculation the process of getting an answer to a number question by adding, subtracting, multiplying, or dividing. The answer that is reached at the end of this process can also be called a calculation.
campsite the British word for a large area for camping, such as a park. This meaning of "campsite" has the same meaning as "campground." [1/2 definitions]
cancer (capitalized) a person born under this sign, between June 21 and July 20. [1/4 definitions]
canvas a piece of this material used as the surface for an oil painting. [1/2 definitions]
capitalism an economic system in which land, factories, and other resources are owned by individuals instead of the government. In this system, the prices of things we buy are decided by the people who sell them and not by the government.
Capricorn a person born under this sign, between December 22 and January 20. [1/3 definitions]
carob the pod of this tree, used to make drinks and candy that taste like chocolate. [1/2 definitions]
carrot the long, thick, orange root of this plant. [1/2 definitions]
cashew a curved nut of this tree, which is eaten after roasting. [1/2 definitions]
caw the cry of the crow or raven, or any harsh call that sounds like this. [1/2 definitions]
chestnut a kind of tree that produces this nut. [1/4 definitions]
Chinese the main language of China, which is based on the language spoken in the region of the capital, Beijing. This language is also called Mandarin Chinese or Mandarin. [1/4 definitions]
chip1 the British word for a long, thin stick or slab of potato that is deep-fried. This meaning of "chip" has the same meaning as "french fry" in American English. [1/6 definitions]
Christian being a member of or following this religion. [1/4 definitions]
Christmas this day as a holiday according to the law. It is a time for sending greetings and giving gifts. [1/2 definitions]
chrysanthemum the flower of this plant. [1/2 definitions]
cinnamon a tree that bears this bark. [1/2 definitions]
club a black figure in the shape of a clover that can be found on a playing card; a card marked with this figure. [1/6 definitions]
coach a section of seats on an airplane or train. Tickets for this section are less expensive than first class. [1/6 definitions]
cobweb a web spun by a spider, or a single piece of this web. [1/2 definitions]
cocoa a drink made by mixing this powder with milk or water and sugar. [1/3 definitions]