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Children's Dictionary
caribou an animal with long legs and a long neck. Caribou are mammals with antlers and hooves. They live in the northern part of North America. Caribou are closely related to moose and other kinds of deer. Both male and female caribou have antlers.
catbird a dark gray North American songbird. One of its calls is like the sound a cat makes.
Central America the piece of land that connects North America with South America. Central America has seven countries.
chickadee a small North American bird with a gray body and black head and throat.
chipmunk a small brown animal similar to a squirrel, having a striped back and a flat, bushy tail. Chipmunks eat nuts, seeds, berries, and insects. They make underground burrows for sleeping and for storing food. Chipmunks live in North America and Asia.
continent one of the earth's seven major areas of land. The continents are Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, and South America.
cottonmouth a poisonous North American snake that lives in swamps; water moccasin.
cottonwood a North American tree of the poplar family. Cottonwoods grow quickly and bear seeds surrounded by fiber that looks like cotton. [1/2 definitions]
coyote a North American mammal that is closely related to dogs, foxes, and wolves. Coyotes have a pointed nose and ears and a bushy tail. They hunt small animals, and they also sometimes eat plants.
cranberry a shrub that bears a sour, red berry, or the berry itself. Cranberries grow in wet ground in North America.
elk a large deer found in northern Europe and Asia. It has large antlers shaped like a palm with spread fingers. In North America the same kind of animal is called a moose. [2 definitions]
ermine a weasel that has white fur in the winter. Ermines live in very cold regions of North America, Europe, and Asia.
ferret a small mammal with light fur and black feet. Ferrets are a kind of weasel. They live in the plains of North America, where they eat prairie dogs. The North American ferret is closely related to the European ferret or polecat. [1/4 definitions]
flicker2 a large North American woodpecker. It is mostly brown and white and has either yellow or red under its wings and tail.
garter snake a small snake with stripes that does not harm people. It is common in North America.
goldfinch a small finch with yellow and black markings, found in North America, Europe, and Asia.
gopher a small rodent with gray or brown fur and a short tail. Gophers live in burrows and tunnel underground to look for food. They are also called pocket gophers, because they have pouches outside their cheeks where they carry food and nesting material. Gophers live in Central and North America.
grackle a North American blackbird with a long tail and shiny black feathers.
Great Lakes five large, connected freshwater lakes of North America. They lie on the border between the United States and Canada; Lakes Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, and Ontario.
Greenland the largest island in the world, located in the north Atlantic Ocean. Greenland is a part of North America. The island belongs to the country of Denmark, but recently it has gained the right to govern itself in some ways. Nuuk is the capital of Greenland.
hemlock an evergreen tree of North America that has short needles and small cones, or the wood of this tree. [1/2 definitions]